Psychology: Humans and Cetacean

We should treat our marine counter-parts just like us

I do not believe in kidnapping, forcing young souls into hard labor within a small confinement, but this is what marine parks do to our marine counter parts. Marine mammals, or more specifically orcas and dolphins (cetaceans) are the closes to us by intelligence and behaviors. We are on top of the food chain on land as they are in the water. There are a few difference but at the same time we are much the same.
Marine parts have house these great creatures in conditions that are unacceptable. These cetaceans are taken from their homes to entertain us, which isn’t really fair or humane. But it is possible to return them to the wild. A great example of this is the story of Keiko. He was kidnap, force to work, then was re-establish to his natural behaviors and then to the wild. Even though he eventually died (of acute pneumonia), but he lived his senor years as a happy, free orca.
Cetaceans are being force to work just like us; the difference is we stay with our family, at the end of the day we have room to have fun and do things that we enjoy. We humans are force into labor once we reach of age and then let go when we reach age of retirement, so why can’t we do so for these poor cetacean.
If we were to give them a more natural environment and actually keep the mother and her calf together, the cetacean could live longer. We evolved our way of working from small, dirty, and destroy working conditions to bigger, cleaner, and safe conditions for ourselves; so why can’t we give our marine counter-parts the same? Why can’t we treat them like humans?

Same between human and cetacean work environment

Humans and cetaceans are so similar that if you was to described human behaviors and mentally, and compare it to way the way cetaceans behavior there’s not much difference other than that we’re two difference species. Cetaceans in captivity are just like humans at work.. We both enslave ourselves to do behaviors that we have little to choice to do. We are force to work for our livelihood. The only difference is that we have the choice to either leave, change or quit our jobs, but at the end of the day we have to work. Another similarity of psychopath are super intelligent but are bored and they know what they are doing is wrong.
Let’s bring this more into perspective. Imagine yourself in a cubic work station. There’s not enough leg room, it’s way too small. The only things small enough that this space is too big for are the things you use to relieve you of your stress. You’re surrounded by co-workers who don’t understand, and some of them you really dislike. Day in and day out you have to get up from your station and go to a board meeting everyday. You have to present the same old thing everyday to your boss and to your boss’s clients. The room is only big enough to fit 3 people, but in the room is your boss, 3 to 5 clients, and some co-workers. They’re all looking at YOU. You’re enclosed in a tight space; your boss telling you what to do, your co-workers sometimes help or mess you up. But at the end of each day you’re not the one who leaves the office but your small toys.
You’re left with nothing throughout the night. You’re hot, bored, no space to get comfortable enough to fully fall asleep. On top of that you’re co-workers are there and you’re always worrying if you fall asleep will they try to hurt or even kill you. Then one day in a board meeting you snap, and you either kill or beat your boss to his/her’s last ounce of life. But instead of you being fired your boss is the one who gets replaced, and you’re trapped in the same cycle till you (yourself) dies from stress, depression, disease or even killed by a co-worker. If you wouldn’t like that why would you do it to a creature who doesn’t desires to be enslaved, in a jail where they are driven to insanity.
Here’s another one for you. We send our children to a close in facility at the rip age of 5 or younger. They are trained, not thought, but train to think that really matter is that they are to be smart on PAPER to be able to amount to anything in their life time. They are train to comprehend our written language to able to do anything in their lives. They are train to believe how a classroom works is what the real world works, which it doesn’t. They are train to believe that no matter how intelligent they really are, if they are not able to show it on PAPER they aren’t really smart. This can lead to mental and emotional instability in the child. What also adds to this is the home life of the child that can add more mental and emotional stress.
Now imagine you seen your child to the facility and they are NEVER allow to leave. They are force to be in small classrooms with too many children. They are never allow to leave the building. When they are given breaks there is not room to explore, create, discover. Without these elements the child becomes mentally disturbed, seeing everything as something that could harm them. Even their close friends could snap and they join in because there is basically nothing to do. This is exactly what we are doing to these poor, mentally and emotionally destroyed creatures. But there is hope in healing and returning them to their natural home, the wild oceans. The best example of this being able to happen is the story of Keiko.
If you was to take a child, who for so long was trapped, who’s mentally and emotionally damage, and slowly show them and help them use their brains to do what they were really meant to do (create, explore, discover, problem solve) they become happier and healthier adults. They would experience the joy of freedom that is using their large brains into exploring different things and having something new at every corner, that child would be very happy and becomes a great adult. When you take away the elements surprises, of exploring, of experiencing a new problem that they can’t help but to solve from a creature that this what it drives for, you are basically giving it a death sentence.

A disturbed psychopath compare to a captured and enclosed cetacean

Many disturbed and psychopathic humans are usually super intelligent beings who are just bored out their minds. They know exactly what they are doing, but being bored with all this knowledge (that can be used for more positive things) is being wasted on disturbed behaviors. These same disturbed behaviors can be shown in capture cetaceans that are being used for show. These creatures are put into an environment that their mental capabilities are being limited. They then become bored and mentally disturbed. If you was put into a room where there’s no leg room, nothing to keep your mind entertain you will surely show signs of being disturbed, or bored. You would start banging your head on the walls, walk in cycles, even start physically abusing yourself. Whoever is feeding you, to keep you alive, could soon be your victim. That very person could turn into something that would entertain you bored and trapped mind.
No matter how many times they replace that person who feeds you, the outcome will always be the same. When finally you are let outside, and you start to smell the fresh clean air your mind and will get excited to be finally released from that prison you was trapped in for so long.
When we apply human psychology to understanding cetacean we can fully understand the pain and suffering we have cause these poor souls. Throughout psychology it is proven that people who are more active, who go outside for long periods of time are less stressed by everyday activities. This is because they’re leaving a stressful environment to heal and relax. Humans aren’t made to be in enclosed buildings, where their bodies and minds are being drained and stressed out. So why are we enclosing these poor souls into unnatural environment, where they are being drained and given a death sentence. These creatures should be rethought to live free as that is the way they were meant to be. Don’t do something you wouldn’t like done to yourself.

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