Education Verse Experience

What is higher education worth if to be able to get a job a person needs an amount of experience to be able to get a job. Then again some jobs ask for very high education plus a lot of experience. To think of it is kind of silly when trying to come up with… Read More Education Verse Experience

What am I

I enjoy the wonders of art and writing. I could write for hours on end, and when it comes to creating art pieces I tend to let life pass by. Then I found that there is a thing called graphic design, where a person puts art and writing together. I thought of this as the… Read More What am I


Not only am I working on my magazine project and other projects, I’m also redesigning my resume. But instead of focusing on making it for print I’m working on making it in a digital format. I’ll basically have not only a print format or a bookmark format but also digital format, so my whole portfolio… Read More Redesign